The AdMe Concept
Ads - newsletters - promotions
At Mobitex Technology, we consider our partners - operators, hardware manufacturers & solution providers - extremely important and valuable, and we want to help them be successful.
Being part of our AdMe package is a great way for our premium partners to promote their business, brands and special offers. A premium AdMe partner can advertise via our website whilst enjoying frequent coverage in our newsletters which are distributed via e-mail to hundreds of receivers in Mobitex related companies up to six times a year.
For the online advertising page, the following banner sizes are available:

You can design your own banner, or let Mobitex Technology design it for you based on your requirements. You are free to use any format, including animated .gifs and flash files.

The Mobitex newsletter is an e-letter which is distributed to subscribers up to six times a year, promoting the technology as well as its operators, developers and users. The newsletter highlights developments and best practice from all markets, but obviously also needs a consistent flow of input from all our partners in order to benefit the reader - which is why the AdMe concept is of equal value to us as to you.
Read a sample newsletter here.
Taking part
All members of the Mobitex Association automatically enjoy free access to the AdMe package and can activate it at any time. For non-members, some cost is involved as the advert price is based on the size of the banner and the display time, whereas some newsletter visibility is free of charge. Contact us for a detailed quote and more information.
Being an AdMe partner requires you to nominate a contact person in charge of communications, and you will also be expected to keep Mobitex Technology up to date with news and activities on a regular basis.
For more information on the Mobitex Association and being a part of AdMe,
send an e-mail to info@mobitex.org